Our Workplaces Will Change—Let’s Make it Count

Blog, Environmental Psychology, User Effectiveness & Experiences
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By Rikki Crowe, Workplace Advisory Manager, Allsteel

This is the 1st post in our series about Environmental Psychology considerations and how they can help inform your workplace design and protocols. Check out the other posts in this series here.

Our Workplace Advisory team recently got together (virtually, of course) with Dr. Sally Augustin to discuss the research we had commissioned her to pull together regarding environmental psychology considerations in the interim/post-COVID workplace. It was a great conversation; we all asked questions, brainstormed ideas, and challenged each other. I left the call feeling really good. I haven’t felt that positive of a vibe for a while now and wanted to build on it, so I could exist in that space for a while longer. I wondered to myself: how might a workplace embody those positive vibes? A place where I feel safe + connected + inspired.


And then the sketch you see below was born. I’ve been sketching almost every day since because it takes me back to that place.


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As a follow-up to our discussion with Dr. Augustin and her findings as a practicing environmental/design psychologist, we’re initiating a series of posts to share information about the new challenges we will have as some of us go back to the office. My hope is that as we all contribute our insights and perspectives, we focus on the positive things that can come out of this. Like resiliency and ingenuity, even in the face of those challenges. Hopefully, we are inspired to get back the joy of what we do and create spaces that make people feel safe + connected + inspired.


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Want to learn more about environmental psychology? 
Check out our other blogs in this 12-part series.